Youth CorpsTaking Students to Nepal -- Not your everyday vacation!Shortly after Ten Friends was founded, the organization began taking high school students to Nepal to experience the country and its people and to see firsthand the work of Ten Friends. These journeys were and are amazing opportunities to learn about the Nepali culture and help with our work. High School students first traveled to Nepal with Rand Runco and Nurbu Sherpa in 2003 to learn about Nepal The culture shock for the students was always noticeable - the mix of ancient religions, the kindness and simplicity of the people and their struggles with poverty in the breathtaking beauty of the landscape. The treks to various villages were always challenging for everyone. The students were introduced to weather, terrain, fatigue, hunger and biting insects that we don't experience here in Central Oregon. We were usually able to laugh our way through these times because when you're haggard and far out of your comfort zone it's healing. And that's what the Nepalis do - smile and carry on no matter the situation. The highlight was always the human experiences and our students quickly connected with the Nepali students and adults, seeing how much they could share and learn from each other quickly, because time was often short. These journeys are challenging but everyone learns more about who they are and where they want to go in life. Young people absorb this experience especially well and often find lasting inspiration to help others. Here’s an older Ten Friends video about delivering books with students. Student Travel to Nepal in 2024
We had an incredible adventure that we will never forget. Read more about our travels and experiences. Student Travel to Nepal in 2023We are very excited to report that we sent an official Ten Friends “delegation” to Nepal in the summer of 2023. Comprised of both high school students and adults, they visited the Hopeful Home Orphanage (HHO), spent time at the Himalayan Education Center (HEC), dedicated a library in a remote village, gave new books to an existing library, and explored Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Khandbari with a variety of day trips in the cities and surrounding countryside. Meet the students who traveled to Nepal in 2023. The students had a fantastic adventure. You can view a chronicle of their travels here. |